Friday, December 14, 2012

Book Launch, AWP

Excited to announce I will be doing a book launch with Greg Wrenn at AWP in Boston.  Info below:

Book Launch for Greg Wrenn's Centaur and Hugh Martin’s The Stick Soldiers (BOA Press) on Friday, March 8 at 6 PM at the Globe Bar and Cafe (565 Boylston St), a half-block from the Copley T stop and a 15 minute walk from the Sheraton Boston.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

New Poems on Blackbird

Check out this really great issue of Blackbird that has some poems from my new book.  They always have a wonderful variety of new and established poets.

Read the Poems Here

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Stick Soldiers on Amazon

Very excited to see the book showing on Amazon with the Cornelius Eady foreword..

The Stick Soldiers

Monday, October 08, 2012

Poem in The New Republic

A big thank you to Henri Cole, who published a poem from my new book in The New Republic.

Read the poem Here

Friday, September 28, 2012

Interview on AWP Website

 Thanks to Daniel D'Angelo for writing this piece on the AWP webpage:

Read the Interview Here

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Honored to be a current Stegner Fellow

After orientation at Stanford, they took these headshots of us near the quad.

List of Current Stegner Fellows

Saturday, September 15, 2012

PBS Newshour Interview

 PBS Newshour was kind enough to write an article about the Jeff Sharlet Memorial Award that I recently won from the Iowa Review:

Read PBS Newshour Article

New York Times Essay

This essay of mine appeared in the New York Times’ “At War” blog:

"Learning a Language, Relearning a Country"